EXHIBITION: Sunny Wang - The Shape of Time

The news report of "The Shape of Time Glass Art Solo Exhibition by Sunny Wang" is covered on the Glass Art Society Newsletter!
The Glass Art Society is a 501c3, non-profit, international organization whose purpose is to encourage excellence, to advance education, to promote the appreciation and development of the glass arts, and to support the worldwide community of artists who work with glass. Website: https://www.glassart.org/
The news report link below is only allowed for the GAS member to read: https://www.glassart.org/cgi/page.cgi?aid=6218&_id=1372
The Last Guided Tour by Artist: (Free admission, no registration needed) ➤2 Dec 2017 (Sat), 3:00pm hosed by Artist Sunny Wang, conducted in Mandarin.
Come and join us! See you at 1a space. ________________________________________________
Exhibition: Date: 3rd November 2017 – 17th December 2017 Time: Tuesday to Sundays 11 am – 7 pm (closed on Mondays) Address: 1a space Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong