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1a lab | Collage City 2022/23

故事員訓練工作坊 Storyteller Training Workshop


(scroll down for english version)


【1a lab 2022/23 —故事員訓練工作坊Collage City招募中!】 


「Collage City 跟你說個故事,邀請各位一同爬梳當代藝術的世界,尋找專屬自己的熱情與表達的方式。」 




由 1a 空間主辦的 Collage City 一連十五節課堂,邀請不同的藝術從業員從故事出發,透過專題演講、對談分享和藝術家如何以自己的專業介入並共同研習,帶給學員不同閱讀風景、視角的可能;經歷一場故事再想像,發掘另一面你不曾思考過的故事。學員能跟著故事、引導與研習慢慢爬梳當代藝術的世界,最終找到專屬自己的熱情與表達的方式。完成培訓後,我們期望學員可活用課堂中吸收到的知識,在導師的指導及計劃統籌的協助下,於 2023 年 5 月至 6 月帶領一次公眾導賞團及參與展覽。 




報名時段:2022 年 11 月 3 日(四)下午二時 至 2022 年 11 月 14 日(一)下午六時  

活動日期:2022 年 12 月至 2023 年 6 月  




名額:20 人  


訂金:$1,200 (學員需要在課堂前支付按金,在出席至少80%課程連課後小練習、帶領一次導賞團後,按金將在活動完結全數奉還。學員亦會獲得帶領導賞團的津貼資助)  


主辦單位:1a 空間  


創作同行:愛同行 WEDO GLOBAL、雞髀打人 Gabby & Darren、業生 Ipseng 





【以城市說故事】| 茹國烈 | 2022年12月3日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以三角關係說故事】| 方韻芝 x 梁耀華 (飛圖) | 2022年12月10日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以風景說故事】| 丁穎茵 | 2022年12月17日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時(Zoom) 

【以山水說故事】| 沈君怡 x 葉偉靖 | 2023年1月7日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以想象說故事】| 邱頌偉(阿雞) | 2023年1月14日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以大話說故事】| 李子蕊 x 王昱珊 | 2023年2月5日(日)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以身體說故事】| 楊陽 | 2023年2月11日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以自然說故事】| 詹昫嵐 x 黃姬雪 | 2023年2月18日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以橫直點撇捺說故事】| 阿三 | 2023年2月26日(日)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以物料說故事】| 林昆佑 x 吳鋌灝 | 2023年3月11日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 



【以藝術說多元文化故事】| 愛同行 | 2023年3月18日(六)上午11時 - 下午2時 

【以不能説的故事說故事】| 程展緯 | 2023年3月25日(六)上午11時 - 下午2時* 

【以物件說故事】| 楊秀卓 | 2023年3月25日(六)下午4時 - 下午7時* 

【以你說故事】| 雞髀打人  x 業生 | 2023年4月1日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以你說故事】| 雞髀打人  x 業生 | 2023年4月15日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 

【以你說故事】| 雞髀打人  x 業生 | 2023年4月22日(六)上午11時 - 下午1時 


2023 年 5 月至 6 月(待定 ) 



❋ 學員將會被分成兩組去參加楊秀卓或程展緯的工作坊。 

❋ 所有上課日期、時間或地點均有機會因應特殊情況而作出改動,請密切留意電郵或官方專頁最新消息。如對閣下造成不便,敬請諒解。 

❋ 成功報名的學員將於 2022 年 11 月 18 日(五)或之前收到確認電郵。如你在此之前未有收到確認電郵,我們未能爲你安排是次計劃的參與名額。 

❋ 按金只會在出席至少 80% 課程連課後小練習、帶領一次導賞團後全數奉還。如中途退出計劃,恕未能奉還按金。 
❋ 課後小練習或會於 1a 空間的社交平台上展示。 

❋ 所有活動將根據政府最新的防疫安排進行,成功報名的學員或需要使用「安心出行」應用程式或出示疫苗記錄進入部分上課及活動場地。 

❋ 所有作品内容均由創作團隊獨立製作,並不代表資助機構的立場或意見。 

❋ 香港藝術發展局全力支持藝術表達自由,本計劃內容並不反映本局意見。 

❋ 為保障閣下利益,本藝團只收集閣下所提供的個人資料做本計劃報名的用途。 

❋ 如有任何爭議,1a空間擁有最後決定權。 


如有任何問題,請於辦公室時間(星期一至五上午 11 時 - 下午 7 時)致電 2529 0087  或電郵至。 



【1a lab 2022/23 — OPEN CALL for Storyteller Training Workshop: Collage City!】 


"It is story time at Collage City! We invite everyone to make new sense of the world of contemporary art, to find a passion and go all out to excel in its expression through storytelling."  


A work of art does not answer questions, it provokes them. Telling stories about art gives visual form to specific stories and the meanings they contain. The perspectives that viewers bring to artworks help bring the meaning and significance of the narratives they convey alive.  


Organized by 1a space, the curriculum of Collage City consists of fifteen lessons taught by serval practitioners on a voyage of rediscovery sparked by storytelling. Encompassing different forms of narrative through themed lectures, public dialogues, hands-on workshops, and task-based activities, Collage City will provide participants with windows looking into lived experience and ignite imaginations. We empower diverse audiences to connect and engage with artworks through the compelling stories they contain.  


Our mission at Collage City is to invite everyone to make new sense of the world of contemporary art, to find a passion and go all out to excel in its expression through storytelling. After completing the training, we expect participants to apply their knowledge. With guidance and help from tutors and the project team, participants would lead a public guided tour and participate in an exhibition from May to June 2023. 


Target Participant: Art lovers and the general public  

Registration: Online application  

Application period: 3 November 2022 (Thur) 2:00 pm to 14 November 2022 (Mon) 6:00 pm  

Programme period: December 2022 to June 2023  

Format: Face-to-face (Zoom on special conditions)  

Venue: Various art and cultural organizations   

Language: Cantonese  

Admission Quota: 20 people  

Fee: Free  

Deposit: $1,200 (Please note that participants are required to pay the deposit in advance. With a completion of at least 80% face-to-face lessons, after-class exercises and one guided tour, the deposit will be returned. Allowance for guided tours will also be provided.)  


Organizer: 1a space  

Supporting Organization: Hong Kong Arts Development Council  

Learning with: WEDO GLOBAL, Gabby & Darren and Ipseng 



Lesson Timetable 


Talks and Artist Dialogue 

 【Storytelling of the City】| Louis Yu | 3 December 2022 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling from Triangle Relationship】| Vangi Fong x Leung Yiu Wa (Fato) | 10 December 2022 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling in Landscape】| Vivian | 17 December 2022 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (Zoom) 

【Storytelling in Shan Shui】| Shum Kwan Yi, Sim x Ip Jeremy | 7 Janurary 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm  

【Storytelling with Imagination】| Yau chung wai Franky | 14 Janurary 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling with Lies】| Rose Li x Wong Yuk-Shan (Yuk) | 5 Feburary 2023 (Sun) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling with Body】| Yang Yeung| 11 Feburary 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling from Nature】| Liv TSIM x Ice WONG Kei Suet |

18 Feburary 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling with Strokes】| Chan Sai-lok | 26 Feburary 2023 (Sun) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling with Material】| LAM Kwan Yau Jacky x Roy Ng Ting Ho|11 March 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 



【Multicultural Storytelling with Art】| WEDO GLOBAL | 18 March 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 2:00 pm 

【 Storytelling of Unspeakable Strories 】| Luke CHING | 25 March 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 2:00 pm* 

【Storytelling with Object】| YEUNG Sau Churk, Ricky | 25 March 2023 (Sat) 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm* 

【Storytelling with You】| Gabby & Darren x Ipseng | 1 April 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling with You】| Gabby & Darren x Ipseng | 15 April 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 

【Storytelling with You】| Gabby & Darren x Ipseng | 22 April 2023 (Sat) 11:00 am – 1:00 pm 


Public Guided Tour and Exhibitinon 

 May to June (To be confirmed) 


❋ Successful applicants will be divided into two groups to attend YEUNG Sau Churk, Ricky’s or Luke Ching’s workshop 

❋ All lesson dates and times are subjected to change based on the pandemic and government epidemic prevention measures. Please refer to the latest news. 

❋ Successful applicants will receive confirmation email by 18 November 2022 (Fri). We are unable to arrange admissions for those who have not received any confirmation email.  

❋ The deposit will only be returned with a completion of at least 80% face-to-face lessons, after-class exercises and one guided tour. There will be no refund if participants quit the programme. 
❋ After-class exercises have a chance to be displayed on 1a space’s social media platform. 

❋ All events will be held according to the government's latest epidemic prevention measures. Successful applicants may have to use the "Leave Home Safe" app or show vaccination records in order to enter lesson and activity venues. 

❋ All content is made by the organizing team and does not represent or reflect the stance or opinions of the supporting organization. 

❋ Hong Kong Arts Development Council fully supports freedom of artistic expression. The views and opinions expressed in this project do not represent the stand of the Council. 

❋ To ensure the privacy of participants, all personal information collected will only be used for programme registration purposes. 

❋ In case of any disputes, 1a space reserves the right of final decision. 



For any enquiries, please call 2529 0087 or email to during office hours (Monday to Friday 11:00 am – 7:00 pm).

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1a space @1998-2025

T: +852 2529 0087 | E:

Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

1a space, founded in 1998, is an independent, non-profit making contemporary art space founded by a collective of Hong Kong artworkers. 1a space presented more than 170 contemporary art exhibition in Hong Kong over two decades.

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