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1a空間 實習生計劃 2019

1a space Internship Programme 2019





As an independent art institution and venue in Hong Kong, 1a space has provided training and internship opportunities to local university students and fresh graduates with strong interest in working professionally in the contemporary art since 2010. The internship scheme allows the interns to work closely with 1a space team to experience and learn about the daily operation of independent art space, which they can gain practical working experience in the art field for their future career.


In 2019, 1a space has held 3 rounds of internship programmes and recruited 12 interns in total. Apart from assisting the daily administrative duties, exhibition set up and logistics, 1a space interns also participated in the preparation and execution of various large scale public events, including being the team leader of “Kowloon City Art Festival @ West Kowloon”, planning and leading “Mobile City Lab” guided tour”, and visiting different artist studio with “Imagine Islands @ West Kowloon” participating artists.

1a空間實習生計劃 - 2019 春季

1a space Internship Programme – Spring 2019

Feb 2019 – Jun 2019


實習生 Interns:

何冠榮 Ho Kwun Wing

黃紀靖 Wong Kei Ching, Felicity

黃榮峰 Wong Wing Fung, Castiel


參與活動包括 Participating events include:


九龍城藝術節@西九 Kowloon City Art Festival @ West Kowloon

巴塞爾藝術展香港展會2019 Art Basel Hong Kong 2019

駭.動 Hactivate Yourself

枕詞 物 rest things - a solo exhibition by Tom O’Dea

PHOTO-2019-02-25-01-32-57 9.jpg


Group Photo of 1a space team and volunteers at Kowloon City Art Festival @ West Kowloon



Intern assisted in 1a space booth at Art Basel Hong Kong



Intern worked on daily office administrative tasks



Interns received docent training led by artist Kalen Lee

1a空間 X 嶺南大學暑期實習生計劃2019

1a space X Lingnan University Summer Internship Programme 2019

Jul 2019 – Aug 2019



熊慧珊 Hung Wai Shan, Jamma

劉卓琦 Lau Cheuk Kei, Kaylie

吳晉昕 Ng Tsun Yan, Cheyenne

嚴智民 Yim Chi Man, Simpson

參與活動包括Participating events include:

遊動‧城市‧實驗坊 Mobile City Lab

牛棚藝術公園開幕典禮—牛棚體驗之旅 Opening Ceremony of the Cattle Depot Art Park – Experiencing Cattle Depot



Group photo of interns



Interns introduced the history of the Kowloon City Ferry Pier to the guided tour participants



Mock guided tour led by interns at cattle depot art village



Interns joined the public discussion along with 1a space staff

1a空間實習生計劃 2019-2020

1a space Internship Programme 2019-2020

Sep 2019 – Apr 2020



李蘊德 Lee Wan Tak, Dionne    

連穎欣 Lin Wing Yan

雷諾文 Lui Lok Man, Rex

王彩洋 Wang Cai Yang, Kara

楊善雯 Yeung Sin Man, Kelly


參與活動包括Participating events include:

移動的微妙-莊志偉個展 Shifting Subtleties – Daniel Chong’s solo exhibition

風景元件 Kit of Landscape

香港視覺藝術評論人培育計劃Hong Kong Visual Art Critic Nurturing Programme

解讀恩尼格瑪Of Transience, Encounters and Endless Enigma

演活古今-香港國際當代藝術節 No New Idol: Hong Kong

島聚想像@西九Imagine Islands @ West Kowloon

1a空間藏書1a space’s book collection archive

共想實驗:土瓜灣社區客廳成果展Participatory Public Lab: To Kwa Wan Community



Group photo of 1a space staff and interns



Intern assisted “Of Transience, Encounters and Endless Enigma” exhibition set up


1a空間團隊與《島聚想像@西九 》參與藝術家Justin Hoover 及 Kalina King到訪藝術家工作室

1a space team visited Artist Studio with “Imagine Islands@West Kowloon” participating artists Justin Hoover and Kalina King


實習生在《演活古今-香港國際當代藝術節》 壁畫創作工作坊中協助創作

Interns assisted in “No New Idol: Hong Kong” Mural Painting Workshop



1a space team visited Cheung Chau

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1a space @1998-2025

T: +852 2529 0087 | E:

Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong

1a space, founded in 1998, is an independent, non-profit making contemporary art space founded by a collective of Hong Kong artworkers. 1a space presented more than 170 contemporary art exhibition in Hong Kong over two decades.

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