1a空間 實習生計劃 2015
1a space Internship Programme 2015
作為香港活躍的獨立藝術機構及場所之一,1a空間自2010年起提供培訓和實習機會給予有意投身藝術行政及文化管理的本地大專生及畢業生。承接過往經驗,1a空間繼續與嶺南大學合作舉辦實習生計劃「1a空間 X 嶺南大學暑期實習生計劃2015」,旨在讓同學體驗本地藝術行政人員的日常工作及了解獨立藝術空間的營運模式,藉此獲取於藝術文化圈的實戰工作經驗,於未來的職場學以致用。
As an independent art institution and venue in Hong Kong, 1a space has provided training and internship opportunities to local university students and fresh graduates with strong interest in working professionally in contemporary art since 2010. In 2015, 1a space continues the co-operation with Lingnan University of organizing the intern programme “1a space X Lingnan University Summer Internship Programme 2015” allowing university students to work closely with 1a space team to experience and learn about the daily operation of independent art space, which the interns can gain practical working experience in the art field for their future career.
1a space provided opportunities for the interns to work closely with different stakeholders. 3 selected interns participated in 1a space daily administration duties, preparation and execution of “Early White”exhibition and talks. Interns can experience the working pace at an art space and gain practical experience which keeping them ahead of the competition.
1a空間 X 嶺南大學暑期實習生計劃2015
1a space X Lingnan University Summer Internship Programme 2015
Jun 2015
劉芷琳 Lau Tsz Lam, Chilam
Fung Tsz Hei, Simon
夏令意 Ha Ling Yi, Pansy
參與活動包括Participating event include:
初白Early White
Intern participated in the “Early White” exhibition opening
實習生於《初白 》展覽開幕中與策展人及參與長者交流
Intern talked to the curator and participating elderly in the “Early White” exhibition opening
Intern assisted in “Early White” exhibition opening