orange Orange
About the Exhibition
The word 'orange' has two distinct yet synchronic meanings in English - orange refers to both the fruit and the color. Two meanings are closely linked because the color of an orange fruit is orange while orange reflects itself as its color. Which came first, the color orange or the fruit? And why was the orange named after its own color, while a banana was not called 'yellow.'
orange Orange is an art exhibition which questions the notion of socially engaged art and community art in Hong Kong by introducing co-creation frameworks that involve the community in the art-making process. The show features the works of artists from Ipseng and Gabby & Darren, as well as the dialogue documentation and the collaborative process of participants from 1a Lab's Collage City who worked closely with these artists.
By involving the community in the creation of art, orange Orange creates a platform to think about mutual learning and shared experience in studio teaching. It highlights the ways in shared decision-making and yields effective outcomes. 'Effective' in this sense refers to the creation of a space where people - funding bodies, curators, working staffs, artists, workshop participants, exhibition viewers, and everyday people - can be connected, cared for, and have fun.
To curate a show with diverse works like this, is a little bit like dealing with oranges and bananas. Some of the messages are easy to read, others need to get decoded. Artists follow different strategies as the participants look at works of art with diverse backgrounds and experiences. orange Orange wants to invite all of us to leave the limits of ours.
In Iris's work, it lies a curiosity to grope as a flaneur does.
In Mui's work, it lies a vitality nearing the animism of ancients.
In Ringo's work, it lies a super-encounterer to cultivate serendipity.
In Puiyi's work, it lies a momentum arrested by matter ready to bounce.
In Yumi's work, it lies a mastery of navigating unseen forces in a volatile world.
In Issac's work, it lies an innate aptitude to imbue old wounds with an enlivening vitality.
In Igor's work, it lies an illumination of the psyche exposing the workings of oppressive forces.
orange Orange invites artists and participants as equal co-authors to overcome the deadlocked boundaries of our thinking in order to sharpen our perception together. Only through new ways of seeing can the works of art experience new, unusual interpretations and inspire artists to create new works. This is the only way bananas can turn orange.
< orange Orange >
Opening Reception|9 June 2023, 6 - 8 p.m.
Exhibition Period|9 June 2023 - 30 June 2023, 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. (Close on Mondays)
Venue|1a space, Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village
Artist|1a Lab’s Collage City, Gabby & Darren, Ipseng
Curator|Debe Sham
Documentation Showcase and Open Studio:
Ipseng's Studio
Date|17 - 18 June 2023 (Sat, Sun)
Time|11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Venue|Room 365, 8/F, 365 - 367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai
Gabby & Darren's Studio
Date|24 - 25 June 2023 (Sat, Sun)
Time|11 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Venue|Room 367 12/F, 365 - 367 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai
orange Orange in Conversation #1 : the Artists and Participants in Dialogue
Conversation 1|9 June 2023, 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Venue|1a space, Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village
Participants|Brenda Chan, Igor Chan, Iris Yeung, Issac Wong, Jenny Pang, Kitty Chan, Mary Ho, Mui Hoi Ying, Puiyi Leung, Ringo Lo, and Yumi Cheung
Moderate by Debe Sham, curator of orange Orange
◈ Free of charge. All are welcomed
orange Orange om Conversation #2 & #3
Topic|An Orange After Dinner
Conversation 2|17 June 2023, 7 - 9 p.m.
Venue|Room 365, 8/F, 365-367 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai
Participating Artists|Igor Chan, Yumi Cheung, Mui Hoi Ying, Iris Yeung
Conversation 3|24 June 2023, 7 - 9 p.m.
Venue|Gabby & Darren's Studio (Room 367, 12/F, 365-367 Hennessy Rd, Wan Chai)
Participating Artists|Issac Wong, Puiyi Leung, Ringo Lo