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1a空間 在 藝術博覽會 2020

1a space @ Art Fair 2020

今年由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻並與典亞藝博共同協作的「藝薈香港 — 由巴塞爾藝術展呈獻」於香港會議展覽中心舉行,呈現曾於香港展會參展的本地藝廊所代理的精湛藝術作品,包括精確細緻的策展專題群展、藝術歷史項目、個展及藝術電影等。在充滿挑戰的2020年,巴塞爾藝術展誠意邀請典亞藝博的觀眾親身體驗藝術帶來的震撼,並感受香港視覺藝術界別所發揮的團結互助精神。

踏入第八年為巴塞爾藝術展的合作夥伴,1a空間於2020年11月26日(星期四)至2020年11月30日(星期一) 展會舉行期間,展出20多名年輕、主要為本地藝術家的作品,更會將「格仔舖」的意念帶到藝博中。


"Hong Kong Spotlight by Art Basel" is a showcase of Hong Kong galleries that have participated in Art Basel's Asian show. Organized in collaboration with Fine Art Asia and held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, the show is a united response to support and bring together the city’s arts community during these challenging times. The presentation comprised precisely curated projects, ranging from thematic solo and group exhibitions to art-historical showcases and film. 

1a space is fascinated to take part in the Hong Kong Spotlight by Art Basel, at Fine Art Asia at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.  From 26-30 November, we presented more than 20 emerging and mainly local artists, while experimenting with a unique “consignment store”-inspired display. 

“Consignment stores” are found across bustling East Asian cities, where gridded displays are used as micro-showrooms for individual items. By borrowing this format, we hope to spotlight different deserving artists, and offer a dynamic and massive collection in the representation of the active local arts scene. 

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