Call for young participants: American artist Desirée Holman's "Sophont in Action" perf
American artist Desirée Holman’s live performance “Sophont in Action” is now recruiting passionate art lovers and enthusiast dancers as “indigo children”. Participants will work with international media art and contemporary art artists and perform the performative art piece at 1a space's “ Our Bones Are Made of Starlight” exhibition during the period of the Art Basel Hong Kong. Seizing your opportunity of performing under the spotlight and exchanging with artists and visitors from around the world.
The Indigo Child character comes to life in the live performance, "Sophont in Action". Indigo children are digital natives—examples of a techno-advanced intelligence that may bring to light a new formula for peaceful cooperation with emotive technologies. They are often described as the next stage in human evolution, whose purpose is to usher in a new and improved phase of our species.
Recruiting: Indigo Children
1) visually aged between 7 to 17 2) passionate about dance and looking for a performing opportunity 3) have olive to dark brown complexions (optional)
All are welcome! Feel free to join the performance “Sophont in Action” in March to explore one of the most prominent art organization in Hong Kong.
Recruitment: From now to 12 March 2018
Application Method: For interested party, please send the required information to with email subject "Application to performance "Sophont in Action"."
1. Name 2. Contact number 3. A recent profile photo of yourself
Candidates with less experience will also be considered, we welcome all students from primary to secondary schools.
Venue: 1a space Address: 1a space , Unit 14, Cattle Depot Artist Village, 63 Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong Enquiry: 25290087/